This is Cat. Cat is our new operations manager for our company and he shows great promise! Currently Cat is our backbone, without him this company would not be where it is today. Cat is 2 years old and likes to play with yarn, Cat also has a strong dedication to his work.

This is Fitzgerald the egg, although he is sassy he is a hard worker and is dedicated to his craft. Fitzgerald here is the head of offices, he is the one who hires people for the company and helps with the paperwork.

This is Edgar, He is a new hire who aspires to have his own company in the future. Edgar is the new janitor and honestly the harderst working janitor i've ever seen. I strongly believe he will earn a promotion eventually. He likes to work and loves to tell stories of what he experienced.

This is Harold, he is the company mascot and the company ambassador. Harold likes to eat worms, fruits, and vegetables, he also likes to run around. Harold is an inspiring leader and takes his roles very seriously.


